The History of Oriental Lodge
In 1909, several Masonic Brethren belonging to different Lodges throughout the United States conceived the idea of organizing and establishing a Masonic Lodge in the town of Mesa, Arizona. The first preliminary meeting was held on the evening of January 7th, 1910. The name chosen for the new Lodge was “Oriental,” and the following brethren were chosen for recommendation to the Grand Master:
Brother Austin Sprague Frankenberg for Master; Brother John Lawrence Waring for Senior Warden; Brother James Erasmus Drane Jr. for Junior Warden.
A dispensation to form and open Oriental Lodge was granted and issued by the Most Worshipful Grand Master Frank Thomas, attested by the Very Worshipful, George J. Roskruge, Grand Secretary, on the eighth day of April 1910, and the first meeting under this dispensation was held on April 15th, 1910, at which meeting the Master appointed the following officers:
Brother Frank P. Drew, Treasurer
Brother Charles L. Diehl, Secretary
Brother Alfred L. Hawley, Senior Deacon
Brother Donald T. McQueen, Junior Deacon
Brother R.J. Albertus Wingar, Marshal
Brother John P. Striegel, Steward
Brother Jay C. Sexton, Steward
Brother Columbus Steward, Tyler
Noteable Events

Dispensation to form and open Oriental lodge was granted and issued by Grand Lodge Of Arizona. Membership grew steadily to 44 brothers by 1913 and peaked to 154 by 1928.

A lot was purchased on Center Street in Mesa with building funds and money raised from bonds.

The lodge moved to its current location on Center St in Mesa during 1951 where it continues to meet in the present day.